Why Study in Canada? Top Reasons & Benefits to Choose it

Academic excellence, affordability and adventure – Canada stands out as an ideal place to study. Canada hosts more than 250,000 international students and has experienced a huge increase in demand from overseas students in recent years.


Study in Canada

Canadians place great importance on learning, and have developed a first-rate education system with high standards. The country spends more on education (as a percentage of GDP) compared to the OECD average, and is the second highest among G-8 countries.

Canadian teenagers consistently rank among the best in the world on international tests of reading, science and math - a testament to the outstanding quality of Canadian schools. A Canadian degree, diploma or certificate is well-regarded in business, government and academic circles around the globe. . Foreign students choose to study in Canada because of the Canadian degrees and diplomas are recognized throughout the world Students coming to Canada have over 90 degree granting universities, 175 community colleges, several private language schools and many corporate training facilities to choose from. Canada is a world leader in software development, telecommunications, aerospace engineering, urban transport, biotechnology, mining technology and environmental industries

Opportunities to gain Canadian work experience also exist in the form of co-op work terms as part the program. International students can apply for their Permanent Residency which takes up to 15 to 18 months from within Canada.

Academic Excellence

Choose from a wide range of universities as per your eligibility. If you are looking for shorter and relevant route to gain skills to become employable, choose from a number of specialised diplomas, advanced diplomas and post-graduate diplomas at Canadian colleges.

As far as education streams are concerned, all sorts of programs from various streams are available in Canadian Colleges and Universities. Be it engineering, IT, healthcare, agriculture, sports, management, accounting, economics, mining, petroleum, renewable energies or any other stream, you can be certain to find a relevant program in Canada.

Focus on skill development

 Canada has a fantastic system called co-operative work, to address just that. Co-op basically provides work opportunities to students in their relevant sectors, while they are studying. So, an engineering student gets an opportunity to work for an engineering company during their study. This prepares the students for the real world by introducing them early to the work environment and also inculcates discipline.Imagine the competitive advantage these students have over others when they start looking for permanent jobs after graduation! Co-op is an integral part of a lot of programs in most universities and colleges.

Earn while you learn

In addition to co-op, students are allowed to work part time for about 20 hours per week on campus or outside. They can also apply for up to 3 years of post-study work permit depending on the program duration. For details, please refer to IRCC’s website.

It’s affordable

Tuition fee in Canada, when compared to universities in other popular study destinations, is fairly cheaper. And when considering the return on investment, keeping in mind the wonderful work opportunities: both part time and full time, it is quite a viable option for international students. Qualified students can also apply to a range of scholarships to cut down on educational expenses.

Quality of life – Safe and peaceful

Canada has been consistently ranked as one of the safest nations in the world. In 2018, the Global Peace Index, listed Canada as the sixth peaceful country across the globe. As international student, you’ll enjoy the same rights as any other Canadian. Quality of life also translates in to basic necessities of life like clean air, clean water, and lower population/competition, sense of space etc. to other aspects of life like access to world class healthcare, good education infrastructure etc.

Cultural diversity

Canada as a society is very warm and welcoming. People from different countries have been migrating to Canada for a long time. This gives Canada an edge in terms of cultural diversity. Canada and Canadians embrace that diversity and recognize that as their strength. Throughout the year, students can experience festivals of all ethnic groups and the wonderful part is that the celebrations are not limited to the ethnic group but the entire country celebrates all festivals!

Immigration opportunities

Because international students spend a long time in Canada, in my opinion they are the perfect fit to become future Canadians. They get ample time to understand and embrace the Canadian culture while they study and also get up to three years to understand the work culture in Canada and what it takes to be successful after completion of their studies. Post that, if they wish to live in Canada permanently, IRCC offer them a platform to do so.

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